Re-Blog of “It’s Spring Baby!” by TawanaTheCoach

I recently discovered that a frequent guest blogger on this site, TawanaTheCoach, has written several very entertaining and informative articles about travelling as a parent for her own site.  She has graciously agreed to let me reblog one of her posts here for you:

It’s Spring Baby!

As we get ready to go into the Spring season, which equates to Spring Break, I thought I’d share some quick reminders on traveling with kiddos this season based on personal experience and conversations with friends.

Reminder #1 – Plan Your Trip Based on YOUR Family, Not on the Fantasy Family in Your Head

If you know your kids really don’t want to explore and would much rather stay in the pool all day, go to a resort or hotel where they can do just that. Why stress and fight about vacation activities when the point is just to have fun. On the other hand, if your kids are really into adventures or are interested in a certain subject, let them take the lead on the research. Have them report their findings back to you and then make a final decision. This allows them to feel empowered and take ownership and also allows you to relax a little.

Reminder #2 – Pack Light

I promise you don’t need half as much as you think you do… READ MORE at


What are your favorite travel hacks for parents who want to travel?  Let us know in the comments section below!

About the author: TawanaTheCoach is a mother, a blogger, and an ICF Certified Career and Wellness Coach! Learn more at

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