Hello and welcome to “Eat, Shop, Tour!”. If you’ve arrived at this site, we probably already have some things in common. Perhaps we both enjoy eating, or shopping, or touring. Beyond those things though, I live to travel, anywhere for almost any reason, no distance is too far, or too close! Here you will find all kinds of information to help you travel smarter, lighter, cheaper, for business or pleasure, close to home or around the world!
I know there are many, many travel sites and articles available online. Before my last couple of trips, I’d spent some time reading other travel blogs to prepare, researching specific destinations, packing tips, etc., and found that many of these are written by, and geared for, a younger crowd. As a woman “of a certain age” (50 to be exact!), who often travels solo, I have found that there are special considerations that a relatively unencumbered, younger (and often more resilient!) crowd doesn’t necessarily have to address. As a good friend recently advised me, after noticing the same thing in her own travel planning, “You need to write a travel blog for grown up women!” (I have cleaned up her language a bit.) As a result of our combined frustrations, I have set out to do just that. My hope is that the wisdom I’ve gained through trial and error will be useful not only to women like me, but to any solo travelers, of any age group, gender, or other demographic.
I recently returned from a wonderful vacation in Norway, and I will soon post about the incredible experiences I had there. In the meantime please let me know if you would like to read about anything related to travel by emailing admin@eatshoptour.com or in the comments section. I look forward to hearing from you!